1. No user installed addons are supported, python or otherwise.
2. No, they really are not supported.
3. They are not coming back
4. Read from 1. again

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iOS - touch controls & other issues

Any issues that are iOS specific
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Joined: 04 Feb 2019, 13:15

iOS - touch controls & other issues

Post by Cantello »

When using MrMC on my iPhone (X) (skin: opacity) there are several issues for me:
- How to control MrMC with the touch screen? Is there a manual somewhere? In the wiki, the part for iOS is empty. I try logn-press, short-press but usually I only manage to control it after several frustrating tries.
- Similar but different: sometimes (e.g. when displaying fan art) there is no discernible way to go back? Is this an error on my part or is this kinda broken on newer iPhones? See here, only the art is displayed and no arrow back. (see #1)
- The notch is blocking information and sometimes the left arrow, depending on how you turn the device (no screenshot possible as the notch is not visible there)
- The back button is tiny and in the bottom left area plus it's half obscured by the rounded corner, not very touch friendly.

1: Image
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